Gamma Phi Circus is the oldest collegiate circus in North America and as such, our alumni reflect the history and development of this special performance troupe. Since its inception in 1929, the performers of Gamma Phi Circus are members of a unique circle.

Each troupe challenges themselves to make every year’s performances and activities represent their very best. The dedication to individual development and troupe cohesiveness make it possible to produce shows that delight audiences year after year. That collective network of experience, affiliation and support of our Gamma Phi Circus alumni is the foundation upon which our current troupe adds their vision and unique talents in taking the circus forward.
Since Gamma Phi Circus troupe members are recruited from all disciplines on campus, we aspire to have this alumni section of our website reflect the diversity of our alumni, circus history, alumni connections, events, outreach and development.
We invite alumni to bookmark this site for alumni newsletters, updates on alumni, circus events, troupe news and much, much more. If you have news to share please submit to: gammaphicircus@IllinoisState.edu.
Make sure to stay updated with all University news and events after your graduate. Also find alumni events and services through Illinois State’s Alumni Relations.